Blog — Mar 12, 2024
A look at our B Corp journey
In the occasion of B Corp month, we asked our co-founder, Simon, to look back at our journey as a certified B Corp business and to share his thoughts about this industry.
“I still remember the early days, when Ben and I were creating Merchery and thinking about the major pillars of the company.
One of them, if not the first, was that we would do our business the right way. It’s a broad statement, I know, but our desire to build a beautiful organization in all its aspects and actions was part of our entrepreneurial drive from day one.
And when I think about it, our ambition was really laser focused on that: building a good business. We didn’t do market studies, we didn’t plan to bring this company to the moon, growth was not a topic. At the time, we only wanted to make the project happen, pay ourselves a minimum viable salary and make our craft as beautiful and respectful as possible for all our stakeholders: the people and the planet.
Very quickly though, our business grew. Faster than what we expected. And we needed a tutor. Something to support our growth, a guide for us in every decision we make.
It became obvious that our guide, our tutor in this business would be the standards developed by B Corp.
This month is BCorp month, and I wanted to take the time to reflect on what lies ahead of us.
We certified in March 2021, and today our little plant grew quite a lot. Growth hasn’t been all smooth, and it would be lying to say that we haven’t suffered from time to time.
But our mission remains stronger than ever. The merch industry is a giant. And it’s mainly ugly. When you think about it, almost every organization on earth brands objects. Merchery exists to promote quality over quantity, to promote beauty and durability as a remedy to the mass production dominating our industry.
Now that we are approaching our second assessment, we took the time to highlights a few of our priorities at Merchery:
- It’s all about people. We have the goal to create the best place to work in the world. And that involves creating a special culture, with strong values, and a commitment to put the team at the center of everything we do.
- Our products selection defines who we are. We consider ourselves as pioneers in our industry when it comes to products development and selection. We want to push that even further. We make no compromise on the quality of the products we propose on our catalog.
- With our partners, we are all in the same boat. Building long term relationships with them (our suppliers, brands, printing & logistics partners) and making sure that they’re aligned in terms of value and standards is crucial for us to become better as a business.
I am proud and honored to be part of this community of businesses that commit to change their industry for the better. We are ready to commit ourselves again in making this business even more responsible for our planet and its people.